Tuesday, February 25, 2025


What's left to say?

Quite a lot, actually. 

Michelle Goldberg, in the NYT, 2/25/25 wrote,

In writing about our country’s rapid self-immolation, I try to ration Hannah Arendt references, lest every column be about the ways “The Origins of Totalitarianism,” published in 1951, foreshadows the waking nightmare that is this government. But contemplating Bongino’s ascension,* it’s hard to avoid the famous Arendt quote, “Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.” 

Misha Gessen author of National Book Award winner 2017 The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia,” that reveals much both politically and culturally about 20th and 21st century Russia (and reminded me of being there in 2012) wrote in 2024,

 ....I was struck most of all by the mood that seemed to accompany [Hungarian PM] Orban’s actions. We all remember it from Trump’s first term, this sense of everything happening all at once and the utter impossibility of focusing on the existentially threatening or of distinguishing it from the trivial — if that distinction even exists. It’s not just what the autocrats do to stage their breakthrough, it’s how they do it: passing legislation (or signing executive orders) fast, without any discussion, sometimes late at night, in batches, all the while denigrating and delegitimizing any opposition.

Thomas Friedman in a NYT discussion said,

I’ve kind of given up on politics when dealing with Trump because at least until the midterms, there are no levers to pull. The Senate is all in on him. The House is all in on him. The Supreme Court is all in on him. His media ecosystem’s all in on him. I’m now entirely betting on physics, on the hard realities of things.....They say the market is a voting machine and then it’s a weighing machine. And when you weigh the weight of these things, they don’t add up. If this weren’t my country, I’d put my feet up, grab some popcorn and watch the show.  What a show!  But it is my country.  Trump is driving, we’re all in the back seat, and I think he’s heading into a wall.

Hannah Arendt, also the author of The Banality of Evil" in 1963,  wrote,

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist, but the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction no longer holds. 




When you fire all the leaders, you lose the knowledge of the experienced.

When you fire all the new people, you lose the future.

When you fire all the lawyers, you unravel the law.

When you shut out the experts, you lose the able.

When you substitute your loyalists, you merely duplicate yourself.

When you end support to those in need, you end hope.


*Dan Bongino, conservative podcaster and one time Secret Service agent, has been appointed the Deputy Director of the FBI.  He has said things like Liberals (aka "scumbag commie libs") have been playing at revolutions, and will now get a taste of the real thing.  (Deputy Director of the FBI–seriously!)


A poem for our time (thanks to NYT for bringing this to my attention).


0my 1dreams2, 3my 4works5, 6must 7wait 8till 9after 10hell 
11by 12Gwendolyn 13Brooks 
14I 15hold 16my 17honey 18and 19I 20store 21my 22bread 
23In 24little 25jars 26and 27cabinets 28of 29my 30will31. 
32I 33label 34clearly35, 36and 37each 38latch 39and 40lid 
41I 42bid43, 44Be 45firm 46till 47I 48return 49from 50hell51. 
52I 53am 54very 55hungry56. 57I 58am 59incomplete60. 
61And 62none 63can 64tell 65when 66I 67may 68dine 69again70. 
71No 72man 73can 74give 75me 76any 77word 78but 79Wait80, 
81The 82puny 83light84. 85I 86keep 87eyes 88pointed 89in90; 
91Hoping 92that93, 94when 95the 96devil 97days 98of 99my 100hurt 
101Drag 102out 103to 104their 105last 106dregs 107and 108I 109resume 
110On 111such 112legs 113as 114are 115left 116me117, 118in 119such 120heart 
121As 122I 123can 124manage125, 126remember 127to 128go 129home130, 
131My 132taste 133will 134not 135have 136turned 137insensitive 
138To 139honey 140and 141bread 142old 143purity 144could 145love. 146.kkkkk